Sunday, 27 March 2011

Its time to Spring Forward!

But before you throw all your winter clothes into the back of your wardrobe and check the expiry date of your sun tan lotion ... REMEMBER it’s time to put your clocks FORWARD by one hour. With an extra hour of daylight per day why stay inside fighting your increasing paper piles? Why not contact me and I will fight the paper piles for you giving you time to get outdoors to enjoy all that extra daylight! Whether you are a sole trader, small business or householder drowning in paperwork ... I can help. I am here to help you. Just get in touch with me or look at my website to see exactly how I can help you. It’s so easy and I offer a free 30 minute consultation so we can chat about exactly how I can help you with your workload. So remember to put your clocks forward before you go to bed so you don’t start your week late ... and Remember to check all your clocks ... including the one in the car that is always forgotten!!

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